개발자세상/Shell 관련

VI 문자열 대치

headiron 2009. 1. 23. 15:26
누가 정리해 놓은건지는 몰라도 정말 잘 정리 되어 있는것 같다.

Vi: Search and Replace

Change to normal mode with <ESC>.

Search (Wraped around at end of file):

  Search STRING forward :   / STRING.
  Search STRING backward:   ? STRING.

  Repeat search:   n
  Repeat search in opposite direction:  N  (SHIFT-n)

Replace: Same as with sed, Replace OLD with NEW:
 First occurrence on current line:      :s/OLD/NEW
 Globally (all) on current line:        :s/OLD/NEW/g 

 Between two lines #,#:                 :#,#s/OLD/NEW/g
 Every occurrence in file:              :%s/OLD/NEW/g